Enhance your lip color and give the illusion of fullness with our modern lip blushing tattoo techniques.

What is lip blushing?

Lip blushing is a semi-permanent tattoo that can enhance the color and shape of your lips and give the impression of more fullness. This is done by depositing color ink into your lips and along your lip line to improve the overall look. The color is subtle to give natural-looking results.

Pre/ Post Care & What To Expect


  • Absolutely NO sun, sweating, or tanning prior to the procedure and up to 1 week after the procedure. Avoid tanning or sun exposure on your face prior to your procedure. The tan will exfoliate after a few days taking color with it as it fades.
  • Do not work-out the day of the procedure as the body heat expands the pores. It is recommended not to sweat (heavily) for the first week after the procedure. Sweat is salty and can prematurely fade the treated area.
  • DO NOT Have ANY facial treatments prior to your appointment for one month this includes : BOTOX, LASER, FILLERS, CHEMICAL PEELS, (COSMETIC SURGERIES ETC for 6 weeks prior to your appointment with us). This may result in unnecessary complications for both procedures.
  •  Avoid alcohol or caffeine prior to the procedure, this will minimize any oozing or swelling after the procedure.
  •  Getting a procedure while on your menstrual cycle can make the treated area hyper-sensitive.
  • You have to be off Accutane for 1 year. NO Exceptions!
  • Dark Skin types please note that your permanent makeup will not appear as bold as lighter skin types. (Indian, African American, Filipino, etc.)
  •  Do NOT take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen unless medically necessary, 48-72 hrs prior to your procedure. Tylenol is fine.
  •  If you have ever experienced a cold sore or are prone to cold sores, you will need to be taking an oral cold sore, anti viral medication prescribed by your doctor at least 2 days prior to the procedure, and after. The procedure can trigger the cold sore virus and you may experience a break-out on your lips after the procedure. By taking the medication, you highly minimize your chances of a cold sore break out.
  • Avoid sunlight. Take care not to expose your face to the sun for about two weeks after you get your tattoo. The sun will fade the pigment, which is still settling into your skin.


  • Remember, place nothing on the treated area (except your aftercare product) until healed. This this means no makeup, creams, water (except for cleansing as detailed below), etc.
  • Lips will ooze for a couple days and peel for a week or so. After sleeping, crust will have dried on the lips. Blot with water. Clean and apply aftercare product as directed. Try not to disturb the crust when cleaning and let it fall off by itself. Picking and pulling off skin that is not ready to come off will cause pigment loss and can pull out deeper tissue. The edges or lip Liner will be the last to fall off. Pulling this off will result in an uneven splotchy line or an indented scar.
  • Keep your lips moist all the times with the aftercare product. After approximately 3 weeks after the procedure when no more scabs are present, discontinue the aftercare product. Begin to apply sunblock appropriate for lips to protect the pigment and a good lip balm.
  • Lips will be tender at first after the procedure. Drink only through a straw. Choose to only eat foods you can place in your mouth with a fork without touching the lips.
  • Do not eat spicy foods or hot liquids for 48 hours after your procedure. It’s a good idea not to eat oily foods, salty foods, acidic foods or alcohol while healing.
  • Do not get toothpaste on your lips. It’s a good idea to brush your teeth with just water for 72 hrs post-treatment.
  • Do not bleach your teeth until your lips are healed.
  • Do not excessively stretch lips while they are healing with big smiles or pucker lips with smoking. Those motions push and pull against the lip edges, applying tension and friction between the strong normal skin surrounding the mouth and the broken inflamed lip edges. Lip skin is a continuation of the delicate mucous membrane of the mouth. It is not strong like normal skin.


Day 1:

The lips have swelling, are tender, and have a heavy, thick lipstick look with a reddish-brick color. For the first few days, the color is darker than it will appear when healed.

Day 2:

The lips have slight swelling, are reddish in color, are tender, and have a slight metallic taste.

Day 3:

The lips have less swelling, a thicker texture, are orange, are sore, and have a hot feeling. They are pre-exfoliation.

Day 4:

Exfoliation begins with very chapped lips. The color will become lighter as the epidermis sloughs off. It will appear that lips have lost all of their color during this phase of healing; however, when lips have healed completely, the dermal layer will gradually become darker.

Day 5:

The lips are very chapped, but are nearly finished with the chapping phase of healing.

Day 6:

During this phase, a soft, rich color begins to appear in the lips.

Day 7-13

During this phase, lip color disappears and the frosty second chapping phase begins as a whitish, gray haze on the lips.

Day 14

Color blooms from within more and more each day until day 21 (3 weeks post-procedure).

Day 21

Healing is complete. The lip color you see is the color that you have. Your lips will remain a bit dry for a month or two. Use a good lip balm, and they will return to normal with full color

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